On 20011030 John Haywood wrote:
>For example, as "J . A . Magallon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote, is this combo 
>correct? :
>> I think you only should install Mesa if you have XFree 3.3.x. With
>> XFree 4.1.0, you already get a libGL. So the two possible setups are:
>> - XF 3.3 + libMesaGL + libMesaGLU + libMesaglut
>> - XF 4.1 + libMesaGLU + libMesaglut
>> (same for the devel packages).
>And further, is this true for *all* video cards (hidden agenda, I have a 3dfx 
><G>), or just non-Glide? 

In short, XFree-4.1.0 includes Mesa-3.4.2. See


So the status of 3D is that of Mesa 3.4.2, apart from bugfixes. So it means
it uses the DRI infraestructure. Take a look at:


What I do not know is if you can overwrite XFree's Mesa 3.4.2 with 3.5 and
live happy....
Experts ?

J.A. Magallon                           #  Let the source be with you...        
Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Cooker) for i586
Linux werewolf 2.4.13-ac5-beo #1 SMP Tue Oct 30 00:10:00 CET 2001 i686

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