On Saturday 17 November 2001 10:35 am, you wrote:
> Hi!
> Using:
> [root@teich nessus]# rpm -qa|grep -i nessus
> nessus-client-1.1.8-1mdk
> nessus-plugins-1.1.8-1mdk
> nessus-1.1.8-1mdk
> I added a user for nessus with nessus-adduser.  Next I started nessus
> and typed in the username/password I set with nessus-adduser.  Clicking
> on "Login" gives me an error message saying "Login failed".
> In /var/log/nessus/nessusd.messages I get:
> [Sat Nov 17 17:35:10 2001][31276] connection from
> [Sat Nov 17 17:35:10 2001][31276] same client has connected twice
> - blocking for a while [Sat Nov 17 17:35:10 2001][32693] Client requested
> protocol version 12. [Sat Nov 17 17:35:10 2001][32693] bad login attempt
> from
> Anyone successfully running nessus?
> Alexander Skwar

Yes... I always use nessus, and its working ok...

Nessus is the client and nessusd the server, they both can operate on the 
same pc.

Install nessus, nessus-client and nessus-plugins, then as root (su) create a 
user, called whatever you want 'admin' for instance. and start the server 
with: nessusd -D

The connect with the client as normal user, and login providing the passfrase 
you choose before, the first time you run your client it will create a key.


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