Am Son, 2001-11-18 um 06.37 schrieb Sergio Korlowsky:
> Yes... I always use nessus, and its working ok...

Hmm, strange...

> Nessus is the client and nessusd the server, they both can operate on the 
> same pc.

Yes, I know :)  Thanks!

> Install nessus, nessus-client and nessus-plugins, then as root (su) create a 
> user, called whatever you want 'admin' for instance. and start the server 
> with: nessusd -D

What do I need this "admin" user for?

> The connect with the client as normal user, and login providing the passfrase 
> you choose before, the first time you run your client it will create a key.

Strangely, it does not.  And I do have nessus* installed:

[root@teich squid]# rpm -qa|sort|grep -i nessus

Oh, I just noticed something else.  I changed to root, did a
nessus-adduser and created a user "butter".  Then I created a new system
user and ran nessus.  I typed in the username/password I set with
nessus-adduser, and clicked on Login.  But before that, I ran "nessusd"
as root (without -D).  Apart from the usual error message in /var/log, I
received this output:

/var/log/nessus/users/butter/auth/password: No such file or directory

Hmm, /var/log?  Why does it want to create stuff in /var/log?  I'd have
expected this in /var/lib/nessus, and, in fact, in /var/lib/nessus,
there IS a users directory.  And even further, there IS a
/var/lib/nessus/users/butter/auth/password file!

So, why does nessus look in /var/log/nessus/users?

Somebody please do:

1) urpme $(rpm -qa|grep -i nessus)
2) rm -rfv /var/log/nessus /var/lib/nessus /etc/nessus /usr/lib/nessus
3) urpmi nessus{,-{client,plugins}}
4) nessus-adduser
5) Create a nessus user
6) useradd dummyuser
7) nessusd
8) As dummyuser: nessus
9) Type in the details set in step 5)
10) login

Alexander Skwar
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