On Thursdayen den 29 November 2001 20.41, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> So sprach »Oden Eriksson« am 2001-11-29 um 14:33:24 +0100 :
> > > The proper solution IMO would be, to not use such an extremely generic
> > > name like "imap" for the uw-imapd package.  Also the name is
> > > misleading, as it doesn't clearly show, what imapd this is.
> >
> > You're here also, maybe "imapd" or "imap-server" ?
> Hm, "imapd"?  That doesn't explain that much more, does it? :)  Call me
> an egoist (or whatever), but I still think that my original suggestion
> is the best :)  uw-imap clearly shows, that this package contains
> »uw-imap«.

Hmmm..., double Hmmm...., I can't remember writing "You're here also," am I 
going insane?

Provides: imap-server courier-imap-server


> The current name is just way too generic.  Just suppose the postfix
> package would have a different name.  Let's say »smtp«.  I don't think
> anyone would actually agree that this is the right name for the
> postfix-smtp server.  The naming of the uw-imap package is no different
> than my example above.

I totally agree.

"apache" doen't seem to provide "httpd", but "webserver" and "apache".

So, I guess "courier-imap" should at least provide "imap-server".

> Generic names (like »imap«) *HAVE* to be reserved for Provides: and
> Requires: lines.  It's IMO simply wrong to name a package like this.
> > Perhaps the best "political" approach is just to let them conflict.
> Exactly, and that's why I want a Conflicts: uw-imapd line.  Well,
> actually I'd want a "Conflicts: imap && ! courier-imapd" line, meaning,
> it conflicts with every imap package which is not courier-imapd.  But
> that's impossible with RPM :(
> Alexander Skwar

Actually that damn "imap-2000c" package provides more than it says... It also 
installs pop servers I don't ever use either. So I guess you were right from 
start. I don't use that imap package since many years...

The spec file for "imap-2000c" should be re-made, maybe you could do it, 

| Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT Networks, Jokkmokk, Sweden.
| Mandrake Linux release 8.2 (Cooker) for i586
| Current uptime with kernel 2.4.13-12mdksmp: 4 hours 34 minutes
| cpu0 @ 814.28 bm, fan 4299 rpm, temp +35°C
| cpu1 @ 815.92 bm, fan 4218 rpm, temp +33.0°C

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