H> I found at least 20 typos and style mistakes in your message. Hope you
H> don't mind me thinking your rpms will be as sloppy ;) This is not
H> personal critique. If you want to build rpms that's great but they
H> should give other people less instead of more work. Try to make them
H> perfect.

Looks like you didn't understand my intentions.
First  English  is  not  my  native  language.  I  couldn't care less for spell
checkers  and  don't really care if someone out there can't understand what I'm
writing. My native language is Serbian and we write as we speak and speak as we
wright thus an apple would be written as "apl".
That's for the personal part.

Second: I sent that message hoping that someone will try and make it better.
A  couple  of  days  ago  I  asked  on  this  list does anyone has any plans of
including  cyrus-imapd in mandrake distribution since RedHat, SuSe, Asp, and a lot
off  others have them included but there was no reply. It seems that developers
don't  care. So I built my own rpm installed it, it works and that is enough for
me. I do not have enough time to do it properly or even learn what rpmlint is.

Don't  like  my attitude ? Well I don't like the attitude of Mandrakesoft sales
staff  (I  had  to  wait two and a half monts for my prosuite) I don't like the
attitude  of  some  developers  since the are continuing to make and repeat the
same  mistakes  over  and over again, I don't like when someone quotes the hole
message  and  on  top  of it sends his one line reply, I don't like this stupid
sympa that powers these lists, but who cares I just have to put up with it.

Best wishes to you all.

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