cups is broken. try changing line 55 of
/etc/init.d/cups to:
            gprintf "Loopback device (\\n\"lo\",
needed by CUPS, starting it ..."

--- Denis Pelletier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
> I updated to the latest release of cooker and I my
> printer does not work
> anymore. It seem that all the drivers but one for
> samsung printers are
> gone. The one remaining is for the Photomax
> PM-1200PS.
> My printer is a Samsung QL5100A (parallel port) and
> it was configured to
> use Foomatic + ljet4.
> [root@maniwaki tmp]# rpm -q cups foomatic
> cups-1.1.10-13mdk
> foomatic-1.1-0.20011131mdk
> Denis
> _______________________________________________
> Denis Pelletier
> Étudiant au doctorat
> sciences économiques, Université de Montréal

SI Reasoning

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