So sprach »guran« am 2001-12-18 um 00:53:28 +0100 :
> Hi
> VERSION (rsync
> Mandrake Linux Cooker-i586 20011214 14:49
> /ChangeLog/1.608/Mon Dec 17 11:36:35 2001//
> 1)
> Had to run: % gendistrib --noclean --distrib <DIRS>, to get around the kernel.

This means, that currently cooker is not installable from a CD, or what
do you mean by that?

> 2)
> still missing: gnome-guile, octave, sylpheed and xgammon.

sylpheed is in contribs!  sylpheed-claws BTW as well :)  And new
versions should arrive very shortly.

> 4)
> Faled to install bootloader, complete hang, and I did not take notes as 
> report.bug was written earlier, but not this time.

So the answer to my question to 1) is: "Yes", correct?

Alexander Skwar
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