
Yesterday (Dec 20) and the day before that (Dec 19) I installed a fresh 
I used the network.img from ftp.surfnet.nl on a Celeron 500 / Abitt BP6.
I had some issues with it on both installs.

1. I chose grub, not LI.
2. Packages missing.
3. Smp kernel?
4. Printer setup works (not).
5. Limited command line.
6. Security level.
7. Webmin started as default.
8. Some estethic ideas.
9. User ID?
10. Mounting partitions.

1. I chose grub, not LI.
When setting up the bootloader I chose grub.
After the reboot I was confronted with a nice looking LI.
So I tried the bootfloppy, with no luck. It couldn't find the files.
If I'm correct, the installer first runs lilo, and if grub is chosen, it runs 
grub after lilo. 
There wasn't an mkinitrd package installed, so I assume that's the reason it 
The installer didn't give an error though, I had to look on a console to see 

2. Packages missing.
There were a lot of packages missing:
glibc, glibc-devel, ldconfig, kernel-headers, mkinitrd, wget, binutils, 
libbinutils, Eterm, Enlightenment, libSDL_mixer1.2 and libSDL_net1.2.
It also broke about halfway the install of XFree86-4.1.0-22mdk on both 

I managed to install these packages from 8.1.
Odd though, after installing XFree86-4.1.0-17mdk, the install of 22mdk did 
work out fine.

3. Smp kernel?
I have an smp system, but an up kernel was installed.
Is it somehow possible to detect this and let the installer install the smp 

4. Printer setup works (not).
I have an Epson Stylus 670 connected to the parport.
The first install I had it turned off. I turned it on, and let the installer 
modprobe parport and parport_probe again.
It recognized the printer.
I chose cups, with it's recommended setup.
Nice feature is that it installs the necessary packages when needed, my 
compliments :)
I changed the papersize to A4, and the output to 720x720.
I tried to print a testpage twice, but nothing happened.

The second install, I chose the same setup, and only changed the papersize 
(to A4).
This time the testpage was printed fine.

5. Limited command line.
I had to install a few packages by hand on the second virtual console.
I ran into a command line limit, I could only type a command up to 126 
So the command:
rpm -Uvh -r /mnt 
is hitting that limit.
Why does it exist? And can it be changed?

6. Security level.
When choosing the security level, it is default set to Low, and you have to 
set it to Medium or High yourself.
I'd rather see it set to Medium as default, so when you just hit Enter, it 
won't hurt too much.

7. Webmin started as default.
Another security issue.
When selecting services to be On or Off at boot, Webmin is set On as default.
I can't see Webmin and security going hand in hand.
It would be better to have it set to Off as default.

8. Some estethic ideas.
At package selection, there are a lot of graphics thrown on the screen.
The icons for the different Groups are rather large, and they hardly fit on 
the screen. There's not even white space left between them.
I don't know exactly what size these icons are (48x48 ?) but one step smaller 
(32x32 then) seems appropriate to me.
Also, the Meta-Groups, like Workstation, Server and Graphical interface don't 
have icons, and they are a bit hidden between all the graphics. Underlining 
these Meta-Groups would make them more visible.

During the installation of the packages, you get to see a progress bar.
When hitting the Details button, you get a second progress bar.
When hitting that button again, you go back to seeing the one progress bar.
Still the button is called Details, while it would make more sense to call it 
No Details.

9. User ID?
I somehow expected to be able to set a User ID for my user.
There wasn't an option for it though.
It can be quite handy to be able to access my nfs server as this user.
Feature request: I'd like an option to set the User ID.

10. Mounting partitions.
It wasn't clear to me after making the partitions, if I needed to mount them 
myself or not.
I created a / and a /boot partition.
I couldn't mount the /, but I did mount /boot at /boot.
The installer later mounted / at /mnt.
All the packages were installed in /mnt, so my /boot partition remained 
empty, and rebooting after my second install did not work out  too, because 
it couldn't find the files at the /boot partition.
I wouldn't know the best way to make this clear.
Maybe it would be good to show a message in the partitioner, that it's not 
advised to mount partitions here. The installer will take care of it.

Well, I hope that's enough :)

Marcel Pol

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