Well, I figured out why this was a problem in the
first place. I have been using lvm and had moved the
swap partition to a lvm directory. Evidently the net
install floppy does not recognize lvm. Now all of my
lvm drives are gone (which were /usr /var and /home
... not good)
It also means that all of the upgrades went into the
non lvm / directory instead of where they should have

This is pretty knarled up. Is there a way to recover
the lvm groups and partitions? Is there a way to have
the updates moved into these directories and
everything synced? I hope to recover at least the home
directory as there are files there I would like to
recover... this is a home system so no backup tape :-{

--- SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I went back into 8.1 and reformatted the swap
> partition and then remounted. I then rebooted into
> the
> cooker net install and I was able to start the
> upgrade.... it is now in progress...
> --- Pixel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > I tried to upgrade an 8.1 to cooker through net
> > > install and ran into issues where it would not
> > > recognize the swap file on hda2. I would get an
> > error
> > > message that swapon failed at hda2 (or something
> > like
> > > that) and could not proceed further.
> > 
> > pretty weird. I suppose the swap partition is
> > working ok under 8.1 ?
> > No useful error message on console 3 ?
> > 
> > In last resort, you could try using the rescue:
> > % mknod /dev/hda2
> > % swapon /dev/hda2
> > It may give better error message...
> > 
> =====
> SI Reasoning
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a
> little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor
> safety." 
> Benjamin Franklin
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SI Reasoning

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve 
neither liberty nor safety." 
Benjamin Franklin

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