> > I have been told to not use capitals; but sometimes I really want to
> > yell :( The reason is known, the fix should be easy, the bug is
> > years ago and nothing happens.
> >
> > Gc, please, could you find somebody who is responsible for gtk and
> > fix this "fix"? I am sorry to bother you but at least I know that
> > care ...
> I do want to fix if possible but I didn't follow this problem --
> do you want me to write the fix or do you already know/wrote it?

No I do not have ready patch; I just asked you to draw attention of gtk

The problem is following: since the last update of libgtk+ (happened
three months ago) Russian characters in most Gtk-based applications are
lost. It took me some time to find out the reason. The correct charset
for fonts in Russian locale is defined in rc file that was
/etc/gtk/gtkrc.ru before; now file was renamed to /etc/gtk/gtkrc-1.2.ru
(all rc files became versioned) but as strace confirms libgtk still is
looking for old names.
> David Odin no longer works for us, that's why he'll not fix it
> :-).

That is exact reason why I do not like to send mails to individual
person(s). Unfortunately there is no reliable bug tracking.

> Though -- have you contacted new gtk+ maintainer about that
> problem?

Who is new maintainer? (Please, no rpmmon reference - I am behind a


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