Well, I finaly finished building my new machine (lots of tie wraps, cable
routing, etc.), an Abit KR7A-RAID with dual ATA133 60GB maxtors on a stripe.
But I just found that Linux do not support the HPT372 on board raid controller
>:<) Double Damn the assholes at High Point!!! I bought this board with the
impression that High Point was a Linux friendly company, since when I was doing
my light pre-shopping research I saw a big prominent Linux Logo on their

Can Mandrake put pressure with Abit on High Point to release specs, or whatever
is needed for the drivers to be merged into the kernel, and not those stupid
binary drivers for old Linux distros ...

Do you guys know if it is posible to take the RH7.1 drivers they provide, and
cram them (some how disabling the versioning of symbols) into an initrd to make
a custom Cooker install discs?

BTW, this message was copied to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", so if you reply,
do a reply all, so that they can see how stupid they are ... my immediate
reaction was to return the board, but since I invested so much time building
the box nicely, I am just going to disable the raid controller, and install on
the normal ATA100 channels.


Eugenio Diaz, BSEE/BSCE   
Linux Engineer

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