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I do not know wheter Open Office uses freetype2, I think it might have its own 
AA-code. If this
is the case, your problem in KDE might be fixed by recompiling freetype2 with the ttf 
bytecode interpreter
enabled (look on mandrakeforum, there was a topic about that, or in my howto, see 

For LCD-screens you can try to enable subpixelhinting (or whatever it is called), 
basically it
is AA but with color instead of grey. It is described in the latest versions of the 
font-deuglification howto
and also in my post on http://dot.kde.org/989808269/  (the rgba=bgr stuff)

oh and: Guillaume R. :maybe this fixed freetype (patent issues) can be put at PLF as 

hope this helps


On Saturday 12 January 2002 16:42, you wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using a 14" TFT 1024x768 LCD screen and I am trying out AA fonts for
> the first time on a Mandrake system. I have used them on RH 7.2 at work
> with a 17" CRT display and the result using Open Office makes even the most
> hard line Windows user go "Wow !". At home on Mandrake I am trying them
> with KDE 2.2.2 (we don't use this at work). The results look like someone
> has been writing with an ink pen on slightly absorbant paper ! What could
> be wrong ? Doesn't Linux AA work on LCD displays ?
> Any kind of input on why this is happening would be appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Owen

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men were real men, women were real women, and small furry 
creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry 
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