On óÂÔ, 2002-01-19 at 17:35, J.A. Magallon wrote:
> On 20020119 SI Reasoning wrote:
> >I am using msec 3.
> >The problem is that /etc/rc.d/init.d/* in
> >/etc/security/msec is 700. I added a line after that
> >to make /etc/rc.d/init.d/mandrake_consmap 744.
> >I went ahead and assumed that the rest is unreadable
> >for security reasons and not a typo.
> >
> >--- SI Reasoning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> well, msec does appear to be behind the
> >> mandrake_consmap issue. Every hour it changes the
> >> security of this file back to root rwx only. All
> >> users
> >> need to be able to read this file to login via kdm
> >> (at
> >> least).
> >> 
> No, the big problem is why the hell a script inside /etc/rc.d is run
> by a once-every-login thing like /etc/bashrc through 
> /etc/profile.d/lang.sh.

Well, I did not know where to put it, that's why :-) It was in login.sh
before; then I needed exactly the same code in rc to make sure
initscripts messages can be output in native language. I thought it is
better to have the code in one place only in case it is modified later.
There is still login.csh script though ...

> Scripts inside rc.d are intended to be only run by 'init', or perhaps
> by root with 'service xxxx [start|stop|restart....]'.


> Perhaps that should not be in lang.sh, 'cause its already done at boot
> time:
> werewolf:/etc/rc.d# grep mandrake_consmap *
> ...
> rc:[ -f /etc/init.d/mandrake_consmap ] && . /etc/init.d/mandrake_consmap
> ...
> I use this as a workaroud: edit /etc/profile.d/lang.sh and comment line
> 65.

No that won't work. Each console is reset upon logout and before first
login which means loaded charmap is lost. We have to do it somewhere on
login. I briefly considered mingetty but it is too much work. 

> Possible solution ?

1. Get rid of mandrake_consmap and put code inline in /etc/rc.d/rc and
back into login.sh. Caveats - you have to remember to modify in both
places if needed

2. Put it in some other place.

Because we still have login.csh that cannot be combined
(mandrake_consmap is not a script, it is sourced) may be 1 is the
simplest solution currently.


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