Peter Ruskin wrote:

> Welcome back Ron!  Where have you been?

Nowhere, still here!   Just have been very disillusioned with my
attempts to change Mandrake's work for the better, so found it best (for
me) to stay away.

But with 8.2 Beta 1, I am moved to try again.   I am still on 8.0. since
8.1 is so bad I am unable to move up to it, after many tries.    8.2
might be better, time will tell, but so far it is not encouraging -
networking is STILL not set up usably (even when the missing RPMs are
installed), X will not initialise on one of my machines even though it
tested OK during the instsll, an 8.1 network will not communicate with
an 8.0 network, shutting down when a nfs link to another machine is
still up hangs the machine indefinitely (8.0, 8.1, 8.2?), we still do
not have an installer which will run as a normal Linux program in
another partition (necessary for beta testing), and so on....

BTW, I strongly feel that the iso images published by Mandrake should
follow the same naming convention as the RPMs.   For example, the move
from beta 1 to beta 2 should only be a version change in the name so
that and rsync will do an update in place rather than
having to re-download the entire 648 MB, don't you think?   After all
the name of the product has NOT changed!

Ron. [au]

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