Borsenkow Andrej writes: 

>> uninett only allows 100 users now... any hints where to turn (rsync)? 
> sunet works. 
> Beware it has habit of removing half of your files without replacing
> them with new. Better run rsync without --delete


I have had less problems with uninett though..., this morning I rsync every 
hour. I will see when I get home if I had any luck sneaking in. 

But, other than uninett and sunet, are there any others in Europe? Or a fast 
one elsewhere? 

It has to be consistant and have to up to date. 

sunet is up to date once a day I think, and uninett seems to allways be up 
to date. 

Kindest regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks/HFE Systems 

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