Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Borsenkow Andrej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I tried Ayo theme. Good! Folks you make terrific job, thank you!
> > Ayo theme itself - text color in lilo is bad. Unselected items are
> > almost invisible and selected items have very bad contrasting look, the
> > same problem actually as in Mandrake theme.
> Humm Francois ?

Year, I'am not graphist, if someone can say me what is good or what is bad, I
can help else for it somewhat hard to decide. Andrej, can you try with bmp2mdk
in lilo documentation directory to select right color (input source is
currently limited to 128 colors in BMP file uncompressed).


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