Fantastic idea.   I always wondered why there were naming discrepancies 
with the mdk configuration tools.  And I also agree that ALL mandrake 
configuration tools should be in MCC.  It would make it so much easier, 
especially since some tools are redundant within the KDE/Gnome setup 
tools.  One central place where all the tools needed to administer your 
system are located is a great idea.  Then no more sndconfig in a 
terminal etc... It is sometimes hard to recall all of the tools 
available within Mandrake itself and this would go a long way in solving 
this problem.



Bill Greenwood wrote:

> I suggest that each of the Mandrake tools have a small change in their 
> naming layout for the directory listing, and for other reasons.
> The way it is right now, each of the tools are laid out in their name 
> just a little different, which makes it hard to easily spot a Mandrake 
> Tool. And sometimes one may not even know a certain tool is available 
> for a given purpose.  This is especially true since not all Mandrake 
> tools are being installed in the Mandrake Control Center, which is 
> something else I can't really figure out.  All Mandrake tools should 
> be in the Mandrake Control Center, IMHO.
> An example of the different ways the Mandrake tools are named: some 
> have drak, others drake, others mdk in their name.  And sometimes 
> these pieces will be in the front of the name, others at the end.
> I suggest they all start with mdk, then the name, such as:
> transfugdrake would be: mdktransfuge
> drakconf would be: mdkconf, or maybe: mdkctrlcntr
> drakfirsttime would be: mdkfirsttime
> We already have: mdkonline
> And so on...
> I believe this would make a whole lot more since to all of us, but 
> especially to the newcomers to Mandrake.  This would also follow the 
> three character mdk in the last part of the name, which ties all the 
> Mandrake stuff together nicely.
> Any other thoughts on this?

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