
> > I did not get it to run at once but only when I changed the CPU
> > options to use CPU=68020/68881 instead of 68040. I also tested the
> > normal UAE with the same result, 68040 does not boot. It seems to
> > be a kind of loop happening here, but I don't know why. The same
> > happens on my AMD Duron based Laptop. (uae-jit shows Timing outputs
> > regulary but booting does not happen). Resetting did not help at
> > all.
> well, uae-jit doesn't support reset.

That does not answer my question. Kick3.1 does not boot on UAE itself 
either with CPU=68040. 

> > Another problem is with drives. When I try to access a file with
> > the WBPattern program it does not find any file at all (original
> > AmigaOS 3.5 Prefs). Another program crashes on the standard
> > file requester (file dialog) when accessing "show drives".
> > This happens with both versions of UAE as well (and on both
> > desktop computer and laptop). Both problems don't happen with
> > an original Amiga.
> > 

One problem was solved: the program crashing when accessing show
drives in the file requester by removing a faulty config line.
The problem with wbpattern remains though.

> Does that happens only on 3.5 [I don't have a 3.5 my Amiga stopped at 3.1]? On 3.1 I 
> find any problems with uae 0.8.20. And the major JIT version problem I found is 

Can't tell you, I don't have installed 3.1 anymore. Well I could dig
to find my old 3.1 disks and install 3.1 somewhere else...

> that it has problems of mispixel when using 24/32bpp Picasso Modes
> (it doesn't happens on 8bit modes). I tried also to backport a part
> of code of a newer picasso96-jit.c snapshot, but now the result is that
> the pointer disappear/freeze in 24/32bpp and the screen slows down.
> In 8bit instead with Picasso96 uae-jit flyes with ssbench at 336MIPS, and 880Mflops
> (PIII/1000) and old Sysinfo 3.24 at 400MIPS and 20Mflops.

Concerning the screen mode: I use a 16bit 1024x768 screen mode so that
is not a problem for me, but AGA screens do not seem to work (I even
tried removing all screen option from my config file without success).
This only concerns uae-jit of course.

> Can you try also to use an hardfile (e.g. a 16B filedisk with the
> entry hardfile=read-write,32,1,1,512,hardfile.hdf in uaerc),
> instead of installing the OS on the native FS (it could be that the filesystem
> emulation misses some filehandle support as was happening in the past with 
> some file handle (e.g. FH_FROM_LOCK), although that is strange
> because the dos.library shouldn't be changed in 3.5.

Strange indeed, because all other programs I use don't have this problem,
including DOpus 4/5. I'm on a reiserfs partition, could that be somehow
a problem for UAE ? I can try a harddisk file as well, though I have to
access the files from within linux as well (though they could probably
be mounted with loop device).


Software-Engineer, Developer for Embedded Devices
Project: Pertergrin, a role playing game system
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