Stephane Gourichon wrote:
> I don't like the AutoReLogin feature. The X server (and process holding
> the session) should be stable. If it's not it has to be corrected.
> Relaunching a session automatically to pretend it's not nearly crashed
> is playing masquerade.

You are correct.  The words "AutoReLogin" and "security" can't be used

> But since it exists, there must be some way to make it better.

No, I seriously doubt that.

> I have a suggestion (maybe it's what you thought, but here it is
> explicit): any screensaver may want to create a particular file (for
> example ~/.screen-locked -- common to all screen saver programs) to
> indicate that the screen is currently locked. 

AutoReLogin should not exist, and I'm not going to modify xscreensaver
to give the *illusion* that AutoReLogin is anything other than a gaping
security hole.

Jamie Zawinski

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