I upgraded a MDK 8.2-Beta1 config to Beta3 this morning on my homemade
Celeron (TNT1) system.

The install went flawlessly.  (Kudos to the Mandrake team!)  However, when I
tried to login as myself (*NOT root*) via kdm, I got the following weird IPC

There was an error setting up interprocess communications for KDE.  The
message returned by the system was:

Could not read network connection list.


Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!

I could login okay is root although I got the same error.  Also, I could
login with IceWM, Enlightenment and other window managers without incident.
I could even cheat and run "startkde" from within Enlightenment.

This is all just FYI.  I'll try with a brand new user later this weekend and
report back.

Thanks again,


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