»Buchan Milne« sagte am 2002-02-25 um 10:48:35 +0200 :
> Root login requires 1 secret. User login then su requires at least 3 
> (username, userpassword/ssh key, root password) plus being in wheel 
> group (depending on other settings that occur in high).

Okay, understood.

> If you have setup ssh with keys, and are using ssh-add, there is no 
> additonal convenience to having root ssh logins (since you only have to 
> type the password once, and don't have to "-l root"), so why purposely 
> make it easier for crackers and more difficult for yourself?

You mean that I can do "ssh -l root machine", correct?  Well, but because
root logins via ssh are disabled this won't work, will it?

Alexander Skwar
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