On Wednesday 27 February 2002 11:24, Vincent Meyer, MD wrote:
>> There are many posts like this. I think the summary is: NS4 belongs in
>> the distro, but on the last (nonfree) download CD.

> People new to Mandrake and Linux should be able to get the most stable
> browser that works with the most sites, and does not have brain damage
> on Java code WITHOUT having to pay extra for it.

Perhaps I should have written it like this: ``(nonFree)''. The last CD of the 
download edition is just as free-beer as the rest, but it's not entirely 
free-speech. I was proposing putting on that one, not on a pay-for-only one.

Yes, there are still sites which will *only* work with NS4 or IE5 (WA 
gummint's so-called portable site at http://mywebct.westone.wa.gov.au/ being 
a classic example) but they are very much in the minority. Mozilla/NS6 is 
getting better by leaps and bounds, NS4 is in maintenance mode. There are 
many good reasons for dropping NS4 to make room for other stuff, but the time 
has not quite come.

PS, if you run across an NS-only or IE-only site, take the time to complain 
to the webmaster, and point them at http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/, even 
if they've heard it all before. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so squeak 

Cheers; Leon

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