On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 11:59, Charles A Edwards wrote:
> rpmrebuilds on an Athlon (650mhz) using any kernel source are being done as i386 and 
>Not as the proper i686.
> See also thread '[Cooker] - Install report'

I was also going to report this, but for i686 though. The latest rpm
package will default to arch i386 on my i686 system (no problem, change
the default arch in /usr/lib/rpm/macros).

 However, it is annoying... Like I said I was going to report this, that
is waiting 'till I had time to further look into it.

In other words: Reproduced! : )

Bryan Paxton
Public PGP key: http://www.deadhorse.net/bpaxton.gpg

"Heedfulness: the path to the Deathless.
Heedlessness: the path to death.
The heedful do not die.
The heedless are as if already dead." -- Dhp. 21-24

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