On Wed, 2002-02-27 at 11:14, David Walser wrote:
> --- Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > rpmrebuilds on an Athlon (650mhz) using any kernel
> > source are being done as i386 and Not as the proper
> > i686.
> Actually proper would be athlon, not i686.  As far as
> I know, RPM doesn't know the difference between athlon
> and i686, so it picks i686, and k6 and i586, so it
> picks i586.  You can force it manually with the
> buildarchtranslate line (I'll explain).
> The problem does lie with the newest RPM upgrade,
> which does implements a fix I suggested, but quite
> incorrectly.
> First, in macros, athlon was added to ix86, but k6 was
> still left out.  It (line 836) should read:
> %ix86   i386 i486 k6 i586 i686 athlon i786 i886 i986
> Now onto rpmrc.
> For the optflags, i386 uses -mcpu=i686, i586 uses
> -mcpu=pentiumpro, and the rest of them don't use mcpu.
>  This is inconsistent, and probably wrong.  *If* mcpu
> is used, it should probably be (correct me if I'm
> wrong):
> i386: not used
> i486: not used
> i586: -mcpu=pentium
> i686: -mcpu=pentiumpro
> k6: -mcpu=k6
> athlon: -mcpu=athlon
> Other than that the flags look ok.  Moving onto
> buildarchtranslate (starting at line 161 for x86),
> they all translated to i386 now (the arches used to
> all translate to themselves).  They will now use the
> i386 optflags and be build as i386.rpm packages.  It
> should be:
> buildarchtranslate: athlon: athlon
> buildarchtranslate: i686: i686
> buildarchtranslate: i586: i586
> buildarchtranslate: k6: k6
> buildarchtranslate: i486: i486
> buildarchtranslate: i386: i386
> As it was before (with the k6 line added).  If RPM
> could detect athlon/k6, this would be great.  It
> doesn't, so people who manually have those have to
> manually change the appropriate line of the following
> two:
> buildarchtranslate: i686: athlon
> buildarchtranslate: i586: k6
> Moving on to arch_compat (line 207):
> k6 is compatible with i586, so it should say:
> arch_compat: athlon: i686
> arch_compat: i686: i586
> arch_compat: k6: i586
> arch_compat: i586: i486
> arch_compat: i486: i386
> arch_compat: i386: noarch
> Moving on to  buildarch_compat (line 291) the same
> thing applies, and that's all.
> Nice first try Frederic, let's give it another go :o)
> If anyone can figure out why RPM won't detect athlon
> or k6 automatically, that'd be great.
If you don't want to mess with config files, you can also specify the target on
the command line:

rpm --rebuild --target athlon rpmpackge.src.rpm

You will surely need to create a /usr/src/RPM/RPMS/athlon directory.

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