On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 12:51, Till Kamppeter wrote:
> Use Star Office (from Sun or from the commercial CDs) or Open Office 
> (RPM on contribs), they are fully functional and with the latest 
No (last check anyway).  The open office rpm, and according to fcrozat
as well i believe, is simply an ancient and useless relic that doesn't
do anything but place the installation files.  And for a simple word
processor, like wordperfect for linux or a less functional version of
the one for win, i highly recommend abiword.
> Printerdrake you get all your printers automagically into your printing 
> dialog and all options when clicking on "Properties". In addition all 
> fonts are displays and printed absolutely correctly (this is a big 
> problem of KOffice).
> Happy printing.
As always
>     Till

(have not been following thread)

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