That damn enter key : P
 Anyway... A build option would be nice in urpmi, for the power users.
ala `make world` on *BSD. Yet, you could either say something like 
urpmi --build packagename
And it would locate the src rpm that the package came from...
It would then build the package ( rpm -bb)
After a _sucessful_ build, have it ask if you would like to remove the
source (rpm --clean --rmsource --rmspec).
Then ask if you would like to install/upgrade said package that was
argv[2] from the inital call, use urpmi package name here, for depedency
|| conflict || whatever handling. Then finally have it ask if you would
like to delete or keep the built packages.

Just an idea : )  
Bryan Paxton
Public PGP key:

"Heedfulness: the path to the Deathless.
Heedlessness: the path to death.
The heedful do not die.
The heedless are as if already dead." -- Dhp. 21-24

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