On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 07:55:56PM +0100, Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:

> It seems like you can install httpd and httpd-perl at the same time.
> I think they should be mutually exclusive, and that the installation
> should check that.
> I also then tried to remove it and install it with rpmdrake.
> It seems like there are not the right dependencies set, and a
> number of modules were not listed, like apache-common
> mod-perl . So removing apache only removed some of it,
> and I was left with half an installation when I reinstalled with
> rpmdrake. 
> Now I am trying with an update from the bootdisk, stay tuned.

It worked:-) So my problems seem to come from rpmdrake as described


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