garrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Should all be current cooker... 
> userdrake-0.3-21mdk
> drakxtools-1.1.7-85mdk
> drakxtools-newt-1.1.7-85mdk
> The Mail/SMS Alert (accessed from within logdrake) setup window isn't
> wide enough to show it's buttons.  It appears that the only button
> options are "Cancel" and "<- Previous".  The "Next ->" button is hidding
> off to the right of the window.
> The "Configure the way the system will alert you" pane needs some
> cleanup.  I don't think "smtp ??" is a good option name =P  Also, the
> cursor won't show up in the text boxes.

> The title bar on most of the mcc apps get nicely formatted names,
> logdrake just says "logdrake".
it wil say a tool to monitor your logs.

> Enabling the log window in mcc (logdrake) just creates alot of logdrake
> zombie processes.  I can see a log window, but nothing is every printed
> there.

yep reproductible.
Yves Duret
piouk toujours et meme apres !

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