> 1. burn a new CD

Pointless. This is the third set of cds (i've burned 8.2 beta 2, 3 & 4)
that I've done. None have worked.

> 2. try new CDR brand 

I'd rather not.. the cds themselves work fine if I use a different drive
so I doubt very much that it's the cdr brand (Memorex 700MB black).

> 3. change your CD drive

I can use a different drive in my machine to install.. but since I have
3 IDE hard drives, and 2 IDE cd-rom (1 rw & 1 dvd) I have to unplug the
writer to install. Doing this means that Mandrake won't set up the drive
with ide-scsi so I can burn in 8.2.

> 4. change your burner


> 5. do not test

So this is how mandrake answers bug reports? "If it doesn't work for
you, don't bother". Makes me wonder why I bothered to purchase a boxed
8.1 and subscribe to MandrakeClub.

> Warly

Honestly, Warly. If that was all you had to say, perhaps you'd best not
have answered in the first place. Now, how about actually trying to
figure out what's wrong? Anyone? The CD seems to have no problem
accessing the drive for booting, yet once it's booted it appears unable
to mount the drive.


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