On 5 Mar 2002, richard bown wrote:

> Mike try downloading from another mirror, I found on the swedish site
> cello.se cd 2 on beta 3 must have been corrupted, the file size was
> correct on download, but during a burn it always stopped about half way
> through the write cycle,.
> A second download from the same site gave the same, downloading from
> another site cured it...maybe worth a try??

In this kind of situation, download the "md5sums" files in the same
directory as the ISOs, and use the "md5sum" utility to check that the
ISO you've downloaded are correct bit for bit.

Then: if the md5sums correspond, it's your burner/system fault if they
can't burn it, and you'll save time and bandwitdh avoiding a useless
transfer again. Just burn it at a lower speed and/or with simulated

If the md5sums are wrong, the problem was in the transfer
and/or is in the mirror. You may then want to report the problem to the
ftp server maintainer.


Stéphane Gourichon - Labo. d'Informatique de Paris 6 - AnimatLab
http://animatlab.lip6.fr - philo du dimanche http://amphi-gouri.org/

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