Le Mardi 5 Mars 2002 14:12, vous avez écrit :
> Latest Cooker (04032002) - XawTV works just fine
> KwinTV crashes upon startup - attached is the backtrace.
> I had it running ages ago and kinda liked the interface - it would be a
> nice thing to have - but I understand it's not priority.
> [rfox@localhost rfox]$ kwintv
> KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
> KCrash: Application Name = kwintv path = <unknown> pid = 16484
> ERROR: KUniqueApplication: DCOP communication error!
> [rfox@localhost rfox]$
> Thx,
> R.Fox

Why not using xawtv ?
Except the new rule for the brightness/color/..., it is working nicely.

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