> Hi there,
> what do you mean it gets stuck ? Of course, retreiving the infos will take
> some time ... patcience, Luke :)

It never comes back.  Netscape times out on the connection 
waiting for the script to finish.  I've even run the perl 
script that goes looking for the interfaces by hand and it 
remains quiet.

> you can eventually display in the same time on the firewall console the
> logs with tail -f /var/log/httpd-naat/httpd-naat.error_log

I will try that when I get home.  Is the symlink for 
httpd-naat fixed yet?

One other item.  For some reason the restricted site 
functionality in squid ( ~8.2 beta2, prior to the shorewall 
change ) doesn't seem to be working....


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