Florin wrote:

> Randy Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello again,
>>Does dan's guardian allow for time restrictions like squidGuard?  I don't
>>want to lose that functionality.
> You can run SquidGuard and DansGuardian in the same time and keep the Time
> restriction feature.

In order to enable both do you have to select SquidGuard for 
banner filtering and DansGuardin for content like you 
currently have to do?

>>In the firewall section it would be nice to have a easy/basic/quick setup
>>that did the following:
>>1.  Setup NAT
>>2.  Perform necessary setup to allow the following services:
>>     http/https/pop3/smtp/dns/squid ( maybe nntp/ftp/imap )
>>     *without any further intervention from the user*.
> Ok, this is a good and useful idea. I'll open all the
> http/https/pop3/smtp/ssh/nntp/ftp/imap/dns traffic as default from the lan
> to wan so people can use the firewall directly without adding these rules. 

This is great news!  I think that this will allow the basic 
user to get up and running with Mandrake's ease of use and 
still leave all the functionality required for the more 
complex environments.  Are these changes in your download 
area yet?

> Well, it works like a chram here. If you explain your network
> configuration with the eventual private IP ranges used, I could help.
> in two steps, as I said do the following:
> If your eth1 card is the interface associated to the wan zone and eth0 is
> the one associated to the lan zone --- You'll have to do that in the
> network configuration because all the NIC interfaces are in the lan zone
> at the beginning and your private network is masquerade
> that network through the eth1 interface (eth1, the wan interface).
> Then add an ACCEPT rule allowing the http traffic from lan to wan.

I suspect I didnt' do someting quite right then...  ( eth0 
is LAN for me and eth1 is WAN ).

> thank you for your message,

Glad that I can be of assistance.


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