Richard Garand wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On March 8, 2002 07:34 am, Buchan Milne wrote:
>>IHMO, yuor statement should be that "At least with KDE there should be
>>one browser that is supported by all websites". 
> Could you explain that?

Mozilla and Opera are the two most standards-compliant browsers 
available, regardless of platform. IE5 on Mac comes in 3rd, Konqueror 
4th, IE on windows behind them. This is based on support for the W3C DOM 
and CSS1 and CSS2. IE gets by, supporting only the core CSS and their 
own proprietary extensions. Mozilla supports approx 95% of DOM, CSS1 and 
CSS2 (the rest are bugs listed in Bugzilla).

The websites themselves are broken, and were designed only with IE and 
NS4 in mind. A good site will be designed to work cross-platorm, using 
the DOM, and only ECMA-supported JS, which would ensure that most 
browsers work, and that standards-compliant browsers work perfectly. It 
is not due to the fact that the browsers do not support the websites. 
The whole point is that web sites should support all browsers, not the 
other way around.

>>Sites not supporting Mozilla, Opera and Konqueror are the ones in the
>>wrong, and we need to make them aware of that.
> Actually, this site uses a lot of Javascript, without which it would be very 
> hard to create. Konqueror's javascript support is pretty good right now, but 
> it still can't handle that site. However, the KDE3 beta announcements 
> mentioned improvements in konqueror's javascript so I tried it out and 
> konqueror3 does seem to work. For some reason, Mozilla doesn't work with it 
> either, but Netscape does.

Konqueror in KDE3 will probably work better because they have been 
adding more work-arounds for non-standard, MS supported extenstions to 
Javascript. That should not, however, reflect badly on any other 
browsers, which believe standards-compliance is more important. 
Standards are what built the internet, and the only thing that will be 
prevent it from being hijacked by monopolistic software companies.


|----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
GPG Key             

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