richard bown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Oh well it appears that mandrake and their developers are not in
> harnmony, mandrake publish for beta testers, yet the developers dont
> want to know when something dos'nt work.

? I don't think so.. We are here and on bugzilla and on
mandrakeforum to read about bugs and try to fix them whenever

> This list is a private club, which membership is to be able to write 10
> pages of C in a morning before breakfast.

> I'm dismayed at the attitude that servers dont matter and all thats
> wanted is a desktop that flies.. if you want just a desktop use
> winblows, the OS is crap but the desktop's OK.

On the contrary, we've been very involved in servers &
stabilization for server use recently, we've even merged the snf
stuff into cooker.

> But that of course is because bill gates has been trying to emulate  a X
> window for a long time, so your taking it in a full circle
> I ve just about had enough, if you dont want it tested on working
> systems.
> enuf

Guillaume Cottenceau -

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