On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Danny Tholen wrote:

> > I get the same problem, regardless if I use anti-aliasing or not.
> Than it is not the same problem I think. The latest problem fixed in
> drakfont is possibly not on cooker mirrors yet:
> Can it be that your fonts are *.TTF (Capitals)? If so, try renaming them to *.ttf 
>and try
> again.

No, the ones I specifically looked for had .ttf (lower case), although I
think there were some .TTF ones in the same directory.

So, in this case the case wasn't the matter (no pun intended).

> If not, do they appear (after install) in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/drakfont/ttf/ ?
> If so, do they appear in the fonts.dir file in that directory?

I'm not where my test machine is right now. I'll check on Monday.


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