Some minor points about Beta-4...

There's no easy way to install everything.  Going down
the list of package groupings to install I find when 
adding some, other packages get removed from the 
selection.  I have to go back and re-select them, then

it works.   In particular 'console' causes a number of

other options to become de-selected.  2.6 GB or so
really isn't that much space space these days.  There
should be an 'install everything' option.

At the license agreement, hitting <enter> reboots
the machine, which is a little annoying.  Presumably
the default key rejects the agreement but this is not 
obvious because you can't see which of the buttons is
the default.  it would be nice for first-time users
if the dlg just stayed there until the user either 
hit the 'OK' button or the reset switch, or clicked 
on the 'no' button.

On network configuration, after auto-detection you
are told which card has been detected and asked if you
have 'another one'.  Unfortunately this is ambiguous 
because you could mean
"Do you have a different one"
"Do you have an additional (or 2nd) one".

It's only clear which of these you mean in the
dialog.  I would suggest changing the text to "Do you 
have a different one?".  (ahh the joys of the English
language :-)).

The boot-up sequence indicates that swap is being 
'started', but I don't have any swap!  Perhaps the 
message should change if there's been no swap 
partition created.

In the lilo installation options there is an edit
box that allows you to enter the (real) amount of 
RAM on your system.  I was fearful of using this
facility because I had no idea what the units were.
Perhaps this could be made clear in the dialog text.
The wrong order of magnitude -either way- would
have pretty dire consequences on the next reboot.

thanks for listening


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