Beware of excessive assumptions in programs.
Remember that Ariane 501 rocket exploded because programmers assumed
some circumstances without first verifying that they are true...

The new msec package fiddles quite a lot about file permissions, and
assumes "for certain" things that are common but not guaranteed.

For example:

*it assumes that every entry in /home is always the homedir of a user.
While this is true in a vanilla lonely Mandrake system freshly installed
from scratch, it is wrong in many places. When the station is a node in
a cluster of machines sharing users, userdirs are often mounted from
other places, like: /home/teamname/username.

*also, msec fiddles with kdm display of users icons. kfm offers at
least: "none", "selected", or "all". msec forces it to "all" or "none".
In our case, each station is in a team, display about 10 users, not the
100+ users of the whole lab!

Networked pools of machine are the traditional setup for Unix systems.
Please be careful, while trying to extend Linux on the home market, not
to lose the original niche.

... and it looks like msec comes quite often back to force changes
against the system administrator will.  This has the potential of
getting many systems administrators upset.

*** Solution (well, idea at least)
There could be some interface à la kudzu that spots each change:

"msec has noticed that the permission of /home/team/ was changed from
711/drwx--x--x to 755/drwxr-xr-x.

What should msec do ?
* change it back to 711/drwx--x--x
* let 755/drwx--x--x be the new normal value to enforce
* from now on, don't check /home/team/ permissions again

Remember this situation and do not ask again [y/N]: _"

My two euro-cents for today.

Stéphane Gourichon - Labo. d'Informatique de Paris 6 - AnimatLab - philo du dimanche

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