Randy Welch wrote:

>> I'll double check tonight, but I looked in the logs and didn't see 
>> anything in there.  ( the only log I haven't loked in is squid/store.log
> Ok...  blocking by *domain* seems to work, but keyword and url blocking 
> seems not to work.  ( This through the banned destination urls sections 
> of the web proxy filtering urls section.)
> I'd really like keywords to work...

I think I know *why* keywords (expressions) don't work quite 
as expected.  squid guard apparently checks only the *first* 
word in the keyword list provided by a web page.  If the 
*first keyword* matches anything in the expression list then 
the page is rejected.  If the first keyword is not matched 
then the page is let through even though there might be 
additional keywords provided that would match the list.

For example:

using www.linux-mandrake.com/en as an example.  configure 
the expressions file in 
with just (download)

restart squid and load the page back up.  The page is 
accepted, even though download is in the expression list. 
Hmm not good.  Now if you change the expresions to (linux) 
or just add linux to the list and restart squid the page 
will be rejected, because the first keyword on the page is 

This looks like a defect if you ask me...


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