On Saturdayen den 16 March 2002 16.09, Quel Qun wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-03-16 at 06:33, Pascal Terjan wrote:
> > Quel Qun wrote:
> >  > Could someone make a simple rpmmon query javascript form on the
> >
> > Mandrake web?
> >
> > Use rpmfind, select the first result from Mandrake, read the page with
> > rpm headers, then read the maintainer's name...
> > Or, if you have the rpm installed, you may use something like :
> > rpm -q --queryformat "%{packager}\n" packagename
> $ rpm -q --queryformat "%{packager}\n" xinitrc
> Mandrake Linux Team <http://www.mandrakeexpert.com>
> I assume the packager info is not available in the rpm packages, so I
> won't get more info if I manage to read the output of rpm2header

this isn't very accurate because the listed packager isn't allways the 

I guess this is better:

rpm -qp --changelog package.rpm | grep \@mandrake | tail -1


Regards // Oden Eriksson

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