Op donderdag 21 maart 2002 12:51, schreef u:
> That's interesting, are you not commenting on 'what is that supposed
> to mean?' or are you just explaing that no comment means exactly
> the same as 'no comment', which ofcourse the asker of the
> question already understood.
> Therefore, assuming that you do not want to comment on the question
> what no comment means, can you answer why you cannot comment on this
> question?
> :-Danny
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Frederic Bastok wrote:
> > On Thursday 21 March 2002 00:58, you wrote:
> > > 4:25pm... Frederic Bastok ran for the door shrieking:
> > > >On Wednesday 20 March 2002 13:28, you wrote:
> > > >> So is MDK paying the license fee then?
> > > >
> > > >No comment
> > >
> > > What's that supposed to mean?
> >
> > No comment

I don't think you should ask what deal Mandrake has made with Sun because you 
know that that question wont be answered. 

Only question i have is it a full license (exept maybe that mdk does the 
support) or are is it a lesser license

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