> hello
> my friend asked me about permissions in /dev/pts/* devices, and when i
> played with this, i found some inconsistency in default
> after default install, always in /etc/fstab is these records:
> none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,mode=0620)
> none on /dev type devfs (rw)
> now, if i logged as user "abc" via local console, 

local console is not pts

my terminal device have
> permission: abc.abc 620, exactly as say /etc/fstab 

By accident. Permissions are given by mingetty/login (not sure which)

Thierry, may be it is good idea to exempt /dev/vc/* from
saving/restoring permissions just like pts but I am not sure. 

and settings in
> /etc/devfsd.conf is unapplyed. ok..
> i want change group ownership in this device, what i doing? 

As I said permissions are given by login program(s) so the only way is
to modify their sources.


> /etc/devfsd.conf (because i use devfsd) and hmmm.. here are these
> REGISTER        ^pty/s.*        PERMISSIONS     -1.tty  0600
> REGISTER        ^pts/.*         PERMISSIONS     -1.tty  0600
> hmhm.. i forget, /etc/fstab has record for this, and i must add gid
> options, or uncoment this and use true devfsd funcionality....
> .. but, this is not some schyzophrenic??
> my suggestion, if used devfsd can't mount /dev/pts as devpts
> filesystem.. but, maybe i'm wrong and this part is unintelligible for
> me:)
> p.s.: off course, sorry for my english, but i believe if this
> information was useful..
> --
> Linux 2.4.19-pre4-jam2
> Mandrake Linux release 8.3 (Cooker) for i586
> 3:21pm up 2 days, 19:59, 11 users, load average: 0.42, 0.35, 0.13

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