On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 16:40, Bryan Whitehead wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 04:04, Guy Zelck wrote:
> >
> > You obviously haven't followed my lead : read the 'w
> > ich is better choice ext3 or ...' thread. A lot of detail is in there.
> > I can reproduce it any time by just doing un unclean shutdown or when I have to 
>when the system hangs. But maybe it has something to do with my SCSI card which is 
>not 100%. I'm getting closer.
> > 
> > Guy.
> I should have mentioned I read the thread. We have had problems on
> machines that shutdown cleanly.... Files end up with null's in them
> instead of data. I can reproduce the error on basically any of our
> machines (around 20 Dell machines with onboard scsi). The problem never
> comes up with other FS's. (well, at least ext2) On very heavily loaded
> machines we've had entire directories disappear. Running any of the xfs
> tools does not restore missing directories or fix files that are full of
> null characters.
> If anyone would like instructions on how we trigger the problem about
> 30% of the time (for null characters), I can give detailed instructions
> and some scripts. It would be nice to have this resolved. We've had to
> switch back to ext2 since the problems were discovered.
> -- 
> Bryan Whitehead
> SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry Systems and Technology
> Phone: 818 354 2903

I thought this problem was resolved in later releases of the XFS driver
(>2.4.13 kernel versions).  I saw a noticable diff in stability with the
later kernel releases.

Although, I haven't been performing unclean shutdowns here to test the
idea, but in earlier kernel versions, this was a real annoyance since I
would find allot of my user config files completely wiped :-(

I've yet to see this problem persist in later kernel versions, although,
every now and then, i might come across an improperly formated config
file starting with @@@@, but moving further down in the file reveals the
config settings. I don't know if this is really XFS related or vim
related for sure.

if you atleast do a alt+SysReq+S before a unclean shutdown, you should
be safe!  this is the route of the problem/bug here. basically, the XFS
mailling list has more indepth detail about the sync bit
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