On 24 Apr 2002 12:56:55 -0500 Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, my problems are spreading to other directories now. (so this has
> nothing to do with the file command, that's just the first place I
> noticed it).
> I'm trying to recompile Galeon, but I hit this error:
> configure:6963:21: /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk/gtk.h: Permission denied
> [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll /usr/include/gtk-1.2/
> ls: /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gdk: Permission denied
> ls: /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk: Permission denied
> [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /usr/include/gtk-1.2/
> drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root           96 Feb 27 10:05
> /usr/include/gtk-1.2//
> [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /usr/include/        
> drwxr-xr-x  120 root     root        17344 Apr 24 08:28 /usr/include//
> [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /usr/        
> drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root          416 Feb 27 09:57 /usr//
> [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /    
> drwxr-xr-x   18 root     adm           568 Apr  9 21:23 //
> All the directories up to this point have global read and execute
> permissions, so something has gone totally crazy.

Yikes!!!  This is FREAKY!  and smelling like a kernel bug that's been
around for a while...

Any chance you have symlinks involved...?  They are in my case...

Anyone know of a utility to look at ALL directory bits (even unused ones)
on disk? (see analysis below)

I'll be monitoring this thread *real close*,

Here's my analysis so far...

I'm getting ready to upgrade my LM8.1 server and I have a similar
situation on ext2...  The owner has 644 perms and yet...  [generic

$ cd somepath
bash: cd: somepath: Permission denied

$ ls -ld somepath
drw-r--r--   12 apache   apache       4096 Apr 13 23:48 somepath/

$ ls somepath
ls: somepath/somefileA: Permission denied    <== ???
ls: somepath/somefileB: Permission denied    <== ???
somedir1/ somedir2                           <== ???

??? This would be a security issue if something wasn't broken; no contents
should be visible if the path permissions don't allow access...

$ ls *     # snipping all but "somepath" stuff leaves:

$ ls somepath/somedir1
ls: somepath/somedir1: Permission denied

Here's how it got stranger yet...  I copied the directory (as root) and
deleted "somepath"; then, a new directory created later took on these
strange properties...

Stranger yet...  the above examples are really symlinked, like this:
real path:   /home/httpd/pfortin.org/Family
symlink1:    /var/www -> /home/httpd
symlink2:    /home/apache/pfortin.org -> /var/www/html/pfortin.org

so... "somepath" == /home/apache/pfortin.org/Family which is really:
   --> /var/www/html/pfortin.org/Family
       --> /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family
like this:
# ll /var/www
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           11 Oct  1  2001 \
   /var/www -> /home/httpd/
# ll -d /var/www/html
drwxr-xr-x   25 apache   nogroup      4096 Apr 22 12:00 \
# ll /home/apache/pfortin.org
lrwxrwxrwx    1 apache   apache         29 Dec 27 22:50 \
   /home/apache/pfortin.org -> /var/www/html/new.pfortin.org/
# ll -d /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org
drwxr-xr-x   34 apache   apache       4096 Apr 22 12:04 \

There are many directories in ...pfortin.org; but "Family" is the only one
with this problem.

Now...  all these are owned by apache.apache and if I try "ls" on the ones
which go through symlinks, I see the problem; but ls on the *real* path
$ ls /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family
1/   2/  4/  6/  8/  copyright.shtml  index.shtml.bak
10/  3/  5/  7/  9/  index.shtml

Gory details:

$ stat -l /home/apache/pfortin.org/Family  # see NOTE below
  File: "/home/apache/pfortin.org/Family"
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   Directory
Device: 307h/775d       Inode: 358385      Links: 12   
Access: (0644/drw-r--r--)  Uid: (   48/  apache)   Gid: (   48/  apache)
Access: Wed Apr 24 15:06:51 2002
Modify: Sat Apr 13 23:48:28 2002
Change: Tue Apr 16 23:53:18 2002

$ stat -l /var/www/html/pfortin.org/Family
  File: "/var/www/html/pfortin.org/Family"
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   Directory
Device: 307h/775d       Inode: 82999       Links: 12   
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (   48/  apache)   Gid: (   48/  apache)
Access: Wed Apr 24 15:22:53 2002
Modify: Sat Apr 13 23:48:28 2002
Change: Sat Apr 20 13:11:08 2002

$ stat -l /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family
  File: "/home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family"
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   Directory
Device: 307h/775d       Inode: 82999       Links: 12   
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (   48/  apache)   Gid: (   48/  apache)
Access: Wed Apr 24 15:22:53 2002
Modify: Sat Apr 13 23:48:28 2002
Change: Sat Apr 20 13:11:08 2002

Trying a directory inside the above path:

$ stat -l /home/apache/pfortin.org/Family/1  # see NOTE below
/home/apache/pfortin.org/Family/1: Permission denied

$ stat -l /var/www/html/pfortin.org/Family/1
  File: "/var/www/html/pfortin.org/Family/1"
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   Directory
Device: 307h/775d       Inode: 83068       Links: 3    
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (   48/  apache)   Gid: (   48/  apache)
Access: Wed Apr 24 04:04:10 2002
Modify: Sat Apr 13 22:07:09 2002
Change: Sat Apr 13 23:27:58 2002

$ stat -l /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family/1
  File: "/home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family/1"
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   Directory
Device: 307h/775d       Inode: 83068       Links: 3    
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: (   48/  apache)   Gid: (   48/  apache)
Access: Wed Apr 24 04:04:10 2002
Modify: Sat Apr 13 22:07:09 2002
Change: Sat Apr 13 23:27:58 2002

NOTE:  This symlink has perms 0644; but that is allowed by the real
NOTE:  0755...

Anyone know of a utility to look at the directory contents on disk?

Any chance some unused bits got set on disk and the kernel code does not
mask them all?

I checked the dir attributes and none are set...

This survives a reboot, so I suspect something on disk.  

> kernel-
> ReiserFS on / and /home

ext2 everywhere

> Please let me know what other information I can send to help diagnose
> this.


> -- 
> Steve Fox
> IBM Linux Technology Center
> http://www.ibm.com/linux/ltc
> http://k-lug.org

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