[was: Re: [Cooker] Royally messed up file permissions! (was: file command
has b0rked permissions on magic files)]

On Wed, 24 Apr 2002 16:04:10 -0400 I wrote:

<SIGH> OK...  it's high time I get this permissions thingy sorted out
after various UNIX flavors, Apollo Domain, MINIX, Linux...

Is there a link to a *clear* set of file permission rules...?  Google
doesn't help much...

So, as penance for my *stupid* analysis, here is a correction of my post
last night...  I hope it keeps someone else from similar public

Checking some books...

O'Reily System Administration, 2nd ed. P.28, Table 2-2 reads:
[minor edits for readability]
                         Minimum Access Needed
  Command               (on file)  (on dir. file is in)
--------------------     --------    --------
cd /home/chavez            N/A         x
ls /home/chavez/*.c        none        r
ls -s /home/chavez/*.c     none        rx
cat runme                   r          x
cat >> runme                w          x
runme      (binary)         x          x                 
runme      (script)         rx         x
rm runme                   none        xw

This is a consise table where everything makes so much more sense when
viewed with a more experienced eye; early attempts at understanding
produced an "I *know* that..." attitude.  Proves you're never too old or
experienced to discover your understanding of a [simple] subject is

> On 24 Apr 2002 12:56:55 -0500 Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok, my problems are spreading to other directories now. (so this has
> > nothing to do with the file command, that's just the first place I
> > noticed it).
> > 
> > I'm trying to recompile Galeon, but I hit this error:
> > 
> > configure:6963:21: /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk/gtk.h: Permission denied
> > 
> > [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll /usr/include/gtk-1.2/
> > ls: /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gdk: Permission denied
> > ls: /usr/include/gtk-1.2/gtk: Permission denied

OK...  this is acceptable if "x" is not set on /usr/include/gtk-1.2

> > [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /usr/include/gtk-1.2/
> > drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root           96 Feb 27 10:05
> > /usr/include/gtk-1.2//

But it is... 

> > [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /usr/include/        
> > drwxr-xr-x  120 root     root        17344 Apr 24 08:28 /usr/include//

> > [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /usr/        
> > drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root          416 Feb 27 09:57 /usr//

> > [drfickle@tp drfickle]$ ll -d /    
> > drwxr-xr-x   18 root     adm           568 Apr  9 21:23 //

So *why* did the initial command fail..? (unresolved)

> > All the directories up to this point have global read and execute
> > permissions, so something has gone totally crazy.
> Yikes!!!  This is FREAKY!  and smelling like a kernel bug that's been
> around for a while...

Gotta quit going into fuzzy stuff when *my* thinking is not totally clear.
"kernel bug" in my head...  Mea culpa!

...and now, the *penance*...   Please correct any errors...

> Any chance you have symlinks involved...?  They are in my case...

They do confuse the issue.  Later...
> Anyone know of a utility to look at ALL directory bits (even unused
> ones) on disk? (see analysis below)
Never mind...  (except for Steve's problem above)


> Here's my analysis so far...
In the following, ---, --x, ..., rwx are obvious;
* means "don't care";  
***/*** refers to {path,dir}/{file,dir}

Here we go...
$ cd /home/chavez
**x  Just do it!
**-  Denied
     While cd doesn't actually execute anything within the dir
     (AFAIK), no subsequent command could; so no point cd'ing

$ ls /home/chavez
r**  list filenames ONLY     (Important point!)
r*x  list filename properties

$ ls -l /home/chavez/
r*-/**-  ls: /home/chavez/fileA: Permission denied
    ls is allowed to see & list the filename; but without "x"
    cannot display content *properties* of /chavez/*
    This is what is denied.

$ ls *
**x/**-  permitted for file; denied for dir. contents
**x/**x  permitted

$ ls -l *
-*x/**-  permitted for files; denied for dir. content properties
r*x/**x  permitted for files and dir. content properties

Just because a user owns something doesn't mean s/he has full access to

---------------------- back to my mental bug...

> Stranger yet...  the above examples are really symlinked, like this:
> real path:   /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family
> symlink1:    /var/www -> /home/httpd
> symlink2:    /home/apache/pfortin.org -> /var/www/html/pfortin.org

"A picture is worth a 1000 words" -- except in ASCII art :^)

/ (d755.root.root)
:-- var (d755.root.root)
:    :
:    :-- www (l777.root.root) >-----------.
:                                         |
:-- home (d755.root.root)                 |
      :                                   |
      :                                   |
      :                                   |
      :-- httpd (d700.apache.nogroup)     |
      :     : <---------------------------'
      :     :
      :     :-- html (d755.apache.nogroup)
      :          :
      :          :-- pfortin.org (d755.apache.apache)
      :          :        :
      :          :        :-- Family (d755.apache.apache)
      :          :               :
      :          :               :-- 2 (d755.apache.apache)
      :          :-- new.pfortin.org (d755.apache.apache)
      :             .---> :
      :             |     :-- Family (d755.apache.apache)  [1]
      :             |            :
      :             |            :-- 2 (d644.apache.apache) [2]
      :              \________________________________
      :                                              |
      :-- apache (d755.apache.apache)                |
      :     :                                        |
      :     :-- pfortin.org (l777.apache.apache) >---'

[1] - this dir. was 644 last night
[2] - *should* be 755

For those paying close attention:
> symlink2:    /home/apache/pfortin.org -> /var/www/html/pfortin.org
*should* have read:
> symlink2:    /home/apache/pfortin.org -> /var/www/html/new.pfortin.org

I *thought* I had this all straight when I setup my web sites (see

[snipped gibberish]

> There are many directories in ...pfortin.org; but "Family" is the only
> one with this problem.

Actually, it was Family in [new.]pfortin.org -- which gets rsync'ed to
> Now...  all these are owned by apache.apache and if I try "ls" on the
> ones which go through symlinks, I see the problem; but ls on the *real*
> path works:
> $ ls /home/httpd/html/pfortin.org/Family
> 1/   2/  4/  6/  8/  copyright.shtml  index.shtml.bak
> 10/  3/  5/  7/  9/  index.shtml

Duh!  cuz it was NOT /home/httpd/html/new.pfortin.org/Family 
which I had altered; but not yet rsync'ed to 

> Gory details:

 > Anyone know of a utility to look at the directory contents on disk?
s/disk/brain/  :^P

> > Please let me know what other information I can send to help diagnose
> > this.
> Ditto...

Thanks all, for letting me step back into this steaming pile rather than
shoving my head into it...

Hanging head in shame, and hoping I finally got it right...

PS: Steve, apologies for de-railing your post.

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