Randy Welch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> >>>>I tried an install from the latest cooker on one of my test
> >>>>systems and had an issue with journaled file systems.
> >>>>
> >>>>1.  Could not create a reiserfs volume.
> >>>>    Tried changing an ext3 partition to a
> >>>>    reiserfs partiton.  The installer said it could
> >>>>    not format the partition.
> >>>>
> >>>>2.  Tried just reformatting partition to ext3.  That
> >>>>    went fine, but upon reboot the filesystem could not
> >>>>    be remounted read-write.
> >>>>
> >>>These two issues have been present since just after 8.2. No one has ever
> >>>responded to them,.

wrong. I did about the reiserfs pb.

as for the ext3, i find it quite weird.

> >>>
> >>Ahh ok.  Just making sure that I hadn't gone crazy.
> >>
> >>-randy
> >>
> > I can confirm that I have had the same issue. It is nice to know that it
> > isn't just me :)
> >
> So mandrake folks....
> Any ETA on a FIX?

ok... i've tried to ignore these pbs... and was in pseudo-holidays...

i'm going to upload a new install. expect some pbs :p

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