On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 12:04, Todd Lyons wrote:

> Brad Felmey wrote on Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 11:17:00AM -0500 :
> > the candidate for the transition to gcc-3.x. It would depend
> > on how fast the community is switching to gcc-3.x. Right
> > now, we are looking at 1.4.2 being the transition release.
> Let me be the ID10T and ask the obvious.
> Why not release a j2re-1.4.1-gcc30 and a j2re-1.4.1-gcc31?  It will
> become a FAQ "I installed the latest version and it doesn't work", but
> at least one will be available.
> I assume that those with sun logins are making similar comments.

I dunno why they don't just permanently statically link it. I mean, Java
is already preposterously huge as a download, and the static links can't
be *that* much larger, then you just don't care what system it runs on.
Brad Felmey

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