On Tue, 25 Jun 2002 20:27:04 -0400
Charles A Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have uploaded to incoming gstreamer-0.3.4-1mdk and
> gst-plugins-0.3.4-1mdk.

> gst-plugins currently consists of 30 that were successful builds.
> gstreamer-{plugins, a52dec, alsa, audio-effects, cdparanoia, colorspace,
> deinterlace, esd, gnomevfs, gsm, jpeg, ladspa, lame, lavencode, misc,
> oss, audiofile, audio-formats, flx, icecast, mad, qcam, sdl, udp, v4l,
> vcd, videosink, visualisation, and vorbis} 
> There will be additional as I am able to trace build errors.
> Also build-able are plugins which because of license or other issues can
> not be distributed as mdk but I hope to be able to offer them possibly
> through PLF.

That would also be the lame plugin I assume.

Marcel Pol

Linux 2.4.18-6mdksmp, up 31 days, 8:21

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