Am Dienstag, 25. Juni 2002, 23:04:35 Uhr MET, schrieb J S:
> I checked /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc and my own
> .bashrc and .bash_profile but I couldn't see it
> defined.

take a look at the scripts in /etc/profile.d
> One other thing, when I launch a console I am seeing
> bash: TMOUT: readonly variable
> where is this variable or is there a package that has
> a fix so I don't see this everytime I launch a
> console?

Why don't you just ignore it like everyone else :-)
That var is a logout timer. After that many seconds of inactivity your
bash will terminate. As a security measure this var is read only. If
you start a second login shell in a terminal (the first one is your X
session AFAIK), it tries to set this var but without success. You
could try to add a check to that script to check for the value of
TMOUT before trying to set it.

   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock for PGP key
                         --> Logout Fascism! <--

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