On Tue, 2002-07-16 at 18:17, Oden Eriksson wrote:

> I was thinking to stop my CVS packaging of apache2 and finally go for an 
> official release. v2.0.40 seems to be around the corner (check the link 
> below), and I now wonder if you people have some suggestions for improvements 
> or what ever. There haven't been much feedback on apache2, and I really would 
> like some, don't be shy :)
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=102685599320151&w=2

Oden, with this flaky listserver dropping random messages, I don't know
if you saw my last post to you about A2, but mod_dir is not working for
me on subdirectories. I get permission denied (you are not authorized to
view .../blah/ on this server), although the perms and ownership of the
files/directory is correct, and I can specifically point to files in
that subdirectory and have access.

This is using name-based vhosts, if it makes a difference.
Brad Felmey

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